Are You searching for a web host for your site. Have you come across the name "MANASHOSTING" (If not then you are lucky). You will surely find their offers so lucrative that’ll hard to resist. So If you are going to buy Any service from Manashosting. Stoppp for a while..!! First you must get the answers of the some questions then it’s your wish to move forward. Who is manashosting?? Are they really reliable?? Do they provide what they say on their website?? What other People say about Manashosting?? How is experience of their existing/ previous customers?? Manashosting is webhosting service provider of Indian continent. They claim to be the best and cheapest webhosting. Let I tell you what they provide
· Hi-speed and connectivity [A perfect Lie, I can bet on this. They are heavily overselling their space and so their servers are tightly stuffed.]
· Unlimited webspace and bandwidth [With so slow speed that 1 MB takes 10 Minutes to upload]
· Free Java, ASP.Net and All Database [You will die in frustration after sending them 10-15 mails for activating each service]
· Money back Guarantee [Don’t assume them so genuine, you are not going to get even a penny back]
· 99.99% uptime [Actually around 70-80%]
· High Security [Actually No Security]
· FTP Access [Just error you may face; Control connection Closed ]
· Quality Services [Sorry the term Quality is not in their dictionary]
· Email Support [Only 1-2 out of 10 Email ID’s work, where you can send your problems through e-mail ]
· Tech Support [You problem have very few chances to sort out within the week you reported]
· Phone Support [Only 2-3 people are handling calls of customers from all over the India and abroad, You can imagine that you call is not going to be connect in first chance. If connected you will be speaking with a personal who knows pathetic English. Moreover, Mon- Friday and 10am-6pm is actual time you will get support]
Their Unlimited and Free kind of stuff are purely marketing gimmick. Everything on their site is just to allure you and as you will pay the money, you feel trapped. They are BIG CHEATS . The Worst you can imagine has already happened to me. They just deleted his personal website and all content without any notice.
Now a Question will be bugging in your mind that If they have so many faults, then why the people are going for them. Though I don’t know the answer exactly but some can points explain it better
· Indian Public/market is Prices oriented, So, if things get good marketing with low cost they are more likely to sell more.
· Novice People who don’t know much about webhosting makes a great contribution to their customer base.
Please Feel free to spread the word and help to SAVE others.
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1 comment:
Yes, I agreed with you. I had purchased my domain on 25th and on 27th I am still waiting for the server details. :( Please don't go for manas hosting.
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